Dry moulding

In comparing dry moulding to the conventional moulding process of particle foams, several main features stand out, highlighting the advantages of this innovative technique:
  • Indirect heating and cooling of the mould cavity.
  • Dry conditions in the mould cavity.
  • Closed loop of steam and cooling water.
  • Re-usage of energy.
  • Optimal filling and fusion of the particles.
  • Shorter cycle times.
  • Lower steam consumption.
  • Less waste water pollution.

The Advantages of dry-moulding

The ability to manufacture thin and complex foam parts

In the dry moulding process, single molds are commonly used to ensure optimal filling and steaming of all cavity parts.


Customized filling systems further enhance the cavity filling, while indirect heating and the absence of condensate and moisture lead to perfect fusion of the beads, even in very thin segments.


This method offers significantly more control over the process, allowing for optimal tool settings and superior product quality.

Lower production costs

  • Faster cycle times – up to 50%
  • Lower steam consumption – up to 50%
  • Lower electricity consumption.
  • Lower tool costs – extremely high lifetime due to usage of bronze.
  • Lower machine costs – relatively small and simple machines.
  • Lower material costs:
    • Ability to reduce the material density due to better fusion of the particles.
    • Ability to reduce the thickness of the parts.
    • Much lower rejection rate due to optimal filling and fusion.
  • Lower operational costs:
    • Less floor space required in factory.
    • (Often) no need to dry parts after production.
    • (Often) lower labor costs.

Higher product quality

Optimal processing of the particles in the mold cavity leads to a higher product quality.


This is achieved due to a combination of factors.

  • The usage of single molds, to allow for optimal filling and steaming of all cavity parts.


  • Indirect heating of the (particles in the) cavity and the absence of condensate and moist in the fusion process leads to optimal fusion of the particles.

Higher sustainability

Compared to conventional moulding of particle foams the dry-moulding technology offers a significant lower carbon footprint as well as hardly any waste water pollution.


This is due to:

  • Energy reduction – up to 50% less steam is required, and less electricity due to the usage of lighter pumps.


  • Material reduction – lower densities, thinner parts, less scrap


  • No waste water pollution – totally separated flows of steam/cooling water and raw material, therefore no pollution of the waste water with excretions from the material or mold (microplastics, residues of coatings, etc.)


  • Higher durability of tools, resulting in less replacement and materials use.

Production equipment

Dry moulding

Our moulding machines have been engineered to produce any cup, conainer, tray or other foam
packaging product with a wall thickness varying from a minimum of 1 up to at least 10 mm.


Thermoware specializes in the production of moulds, which enable you to produce premium cups
and other thin walled packaging products, composed of EPS and selected other sorts of foam.

Complete the production process with our automation equipment

Thermoware offers a wide range of automation for produced parts.
Our portfolio covers all aspects of the production, quality and packaging process. You can choose any combination, which suits your business goals best. In the end, you will pride yourself in being the proud owner of a state-of-the-art production line.



We are happy to help you

Our colleagues are available to meet and discuss all possible options together.

+31 (0) 342 490 899