
Elevate your brand with sustainable label solutions

Research confirms that products with a distinctive and beautiful package sell better. Have you ever considered to increase the attractiveness of your packaging products by overwrapping with a nice label?


A team of dedicated Thermoware engineers designed several labelling solutions on behalf of our customers. Additional but not insignificant advantage of cup labelling is that cup and label can easily be separated for separate recycling. 


Want to make your packaging stand out and promote sustainability? Get in touch with us for innovative labelling options.

THW LB 100

  • The Thermoware LB 100 wraps and seals pre-printed labels around cups and containers for branding.
  • Besides the fact that a labelled cup sells better, the label also increases its strength and provides extra insulation.
  • This versatile machine is capable to label various cup and container sizes in EPS, PP and PET, by using simple cover paper or paperboard.
  • The maximum output speed is 100 per minute, depending on size, shape and material type of both cup and label
  • The fusing is by using hot melt glue in a single overlap.
  • Infeed and outfeed of cup stacks is automated.
  • Each cup will need its own set of variables.
  • Variables for different cup sizes can be mounted, making this a versatile machine.

We are happy to help you

Our colleagues are available to meet and discuss all possible options together.

+31 (0) 342 490 899