Facts and figures

Up to 50% savings in production time and energys consumption. Significant lower carbon footprint and waste pollution.

Facts and figures

Up to 50% savings in production time and energys consumption. Significant lower carbon footprint and waste pollution.

Thermoware PFM is the only supplier in the world of ‘dry foam’ production equipment for e.g., EPP foam cores for sun visors for vehicles.

1. Sustainability:
• The global annual production of sun visors is approx. 160 million pcs, which represents an annual consumption of 136 million m3 gas
• THW’s dry moulding technology delivers 50% energy savings
• A significant improvement of the carbon footprint: potential savings of 68 million m3 of gas equates to a saving of approximately 120 million kg of co2, which represents the emissions of 35,000 cars per year…
• No waste water pollution with microplastics and other substances (coatings, etc.) originating from raw materials

2. Cost saving:
• 50% shorter production times and energy savings
• 20-30% lower overall cost of parts
• Durability of THW’s tools is at least twice compared to conventional