More for less!

Dry-moulding of thin-walled particle foam parts has much to offer

More for less!

The dry-moulding technology has proven to outperform conventional particle foam moulding for thinner parts (roughly 2 – 50 mm depending on type of material type):

Ability to manufacture very thin foam parts
1. Most often single molds are used, to allow for optimal filling and steaming of all cavity parts
2. Customized filling systems diminishes issues with filling of the cavities
3. Indirect heating and the absence of condensate and moist leads to optimal fusion, also of very thin segments of the produced part
4. Much more possibilities to steer the process than conventionally, to allow for optimal process settings of the tools

Lower production costs
1. Faster cycle times – up to 50%
2. Lower steam consumption – up to 50%
3. Lower electricity consumption
4. Less material:
-Ability to reduce the material density due to better fusion of the particles
-Ability to reduce the thickness of the parts
-Much lower rejection rate due to optimal processing
5. Lower tool costs – extremely high lifetime due to usage of bronze
6. Lower machine costs – relatively small and simple machines
7. Lower operational costs:
-Less floor space required in factory
-(Often) no need to dry parts after production
-(Often) lower labour costs

Higher product quality:
Optimal processing of the particles in the mold cavity leads to a higher product quality.
This is achieved due to a combination of factors.
– The usage of single molds are used, to allow for optimal filling and steaming of all cavity parts
– Indirect heating of the (particles in the) cavity and the absence of condensate and moist in the fusion process leads to optimal fusion of the particles

Higher sustainability
– Up to 50% less steam required
– Less material – lower densities, thinner parts, less scrap
– No pollution of the waste water with excretions from the material or mold (microplastics, residues of coatings, etc.)
– Much longer lifetimes of tools due to the usage of materials such as bronze